Wednesday 29 July 2015

Respect is a two way street

Today, one of my friends told me that, "People not picking up the call is a common behaviour".  I thought about that and found that to be true. I have seen people who ignore the calls, cut the calls and then say they were busy. They don’t even bother to give a call back. There are some people who call you only when they need your help, favour or just when they do not have anyone to talk to.

For all those people who think that they are really important, Dude! get some perspective. There are more than 7 billion people in the world and this particular person chose you. That is Universe's way of telling you something , that is Universe's way of knocking at your door. No matter how trivial and small the other person may look like, there is always something to learn from everyone if you have an eye for knowledge and a heart that understands. We think we are doing a favour, when we pick someone's call from whom we have nothing to gain. But the truth is, they are doing us a favour, these people put you in the position which you are assuming you are in. Imagine one day, everyone stops calling you, or stop picking your call. People say they want to be left alone. They like solitude. I do not understand that. If you like solitude so much, then please go and live in the forest. Why are you here? ; Amidst the chaos of the society. Human beings are social animals and we are programmed that way. I don’t think anyone can deny that.

People say they were busy, so they could not pick up the call. I keep wondering, may be he/she was in the middle of a major surgery which involved saving a person's life or may be was in the Line Of Control amongst the bombings, saving our nation. Come on! You can't possibly be as busy as these people right? How long does it take to pick a call, say that you will call them back as soon as you are free. Sometimes, people may be in a meeting or on another call, or cooking or doing some other work. That is understandable as long as they acknowledge your call or give you a call back. I am talking about people who ignore your calls on purpose. Funny thing is, these people find it offensive, when you or someone else does the same to them.

Someone is coming to you, to talk to you, to find some happiness in life just by talking to you. All you need is some time and a listening ear. Karma has its own way of playing games. I have doen this in my past. Ignoring a person,  and then longing to listen to that person at a later point of time. I have learnt lessons from people whom I thought are the most boring people or the most stupid people.

So the bottom line is, no matter how important you think you are, or how unimportant the other person is, we need to remember one thing that is, every human being in this world is Unique and significant. And “Respect is a two way street”.  

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