Tuesday 1 September 2015

Change is the rule of Universe

Today, when I was talking to my brother he told me about this funny friend of his, who picks up a random object in the room belonging to some person and asks "who's pen is this?" or "whose book is this?" etc. If that person replies "It's mine", he will go on saying in a dramatic tone:"Today it's yours, yesterday it was someone else's tomorrow it will go to some other person. So don't say it's yours. Nothing is yours". I know this guy is being funny. But isn't that actually true? I mean we get attached to everything. We put stickers on things and even people. This is my pen, this is my book, this person is mine.

But things change, people change, situations change. That is the gist of Bhagavad Geeta. Isn't it? If a person who is close to you moves away, How long will you sit and cry? Or how long will that person miss you? One day people understand, find some other person, forget about everything and move on. People are here to look after themselves. When the conditions are favourable, they stay, everything is like a fairy tale. Once the conditions start becoming uncomfortable, like the birds which migrate to different part of the world, people move on.

The best we can do to keep ourselves from hurting is, try not labelling everything. You purchase some things, use them as long as you can then forget about it. give it to charity or someone else to use or throw them in the trash. If it's people, be happy with them as long as they are there. when they act in a certain way which according to you is not correct, then understand that and move on.

The battles which make you strong are the battles fought alone. All that is on which you have control is you. Nothing else no one else..

As MJ says " Take a look at yourself and then make a change".


  1. Very beautifully written. I believe anyone who reads this post can relate with this post.

    But at the same time, I am reminded of countless people who chose to stay in my life, even in the sun, or in the rain or in the storm. They just stood there, supported me and gave me all the love and support, that I could never imagine.

    It's crazy when you think what you life would have become, if not for them................. I am sure all of us would have alteast 1 person in our lives, who stood by us, even when the situation was not 'favorable' for either of us.

    But as you said, who can stop the Kaala chakra ( wheel of time ) and the only thing that remains constant in change. Isn't it ?

    1. Thanks for your valuable comments Justin:) It is true that we have at least one friend in life who stays with us through thick and thin.There is always an exception for every rule. The intention of this blog was to let people know that change in inevitable, so if we make sure that we do not get attached to anything or anyone, we can stay safe and save ourselves from the heart ache.

      Thanks for taking time to read the blog and comment in such detail. Helped me a lot:)
