Saturday 29 August 2015

The Suspicion Bug

Today, I completed watching the TV series “He knew he was right”. It is a story about a man, who suspects his wife of betrayal and ultimately turns mad and dies in his own creation of hell. Louis loves his wife Emily more than anything else in the world. They are happily married and have a child together. During this time, Emily’s father’s friend Colonel Osborne who is also her Godfather begins to visit her everyday in her husband’s absence. The rumours start spreading, people start talking about them. Louis hears this and it disturbs him a lot. He asks his wife to give him a promise of not seeing this person again. She finds it very offensive that her husband does not trust her and refuses to give him the promise. This makes Louise more suspicious and the misunderstandings between them begin to grow. One thing leads to another and they decide to get separated. Louise sends his wife to his friend’s place and appoints a detective to spy on her. When Emily is away from her husband, the Colonel visits her again under some silly pretences. Emily agrees to see him because she thinks she has not done anything wrong and refusing to see the colonel means she is admitting that she has something to feel guilty about. Even though Emily meets colonel along with her sister, the news goes to her husband from the detective saying that his wife met Colonel Osborne. Louise is devastated to hear this. As days pass by his suspicion grows more and more inside him. He stops taking care of himself and his health. He begins to weaken mentally and physically day by day. He goes abroad, stays away from everyone, but his suspicion does not die. He still loves his wife but could not somehow trust her. Finally, in this own creation of hell, he dies a painful death. His life and everyone else’s life around him, a perfectly beautiful life shatters one piece at a time because of one bug of suspicion in a man for his wife.
The Tv series is very well directed and the acting skills are profound. The way they show the deterioration of Louise, his wife’s infinite love and care for him despite everything which is happening between them, her parent’s support for her and his friend’s concern about him, is very well directed and portrayed. It was very interesting as well as painful to watch this. While watching this movie some thoughts came to my mind. Jotting down some of them here:
1.       Take time to understand or trust your partner before you commit to the relationship. But once you do, never for a second think otherwise. Suspicion is a fire that burns you alive.
2.       Sometimes, when you are in a relationship, you have to keep your ego aside and do and say things which will keep the relationship in peace. If Emily had promised her husband that she won’t see Osborne again, all this wouldn't have happened. Just one word would have been enough. But instead she got offended and refused to make the promise. Jealousy is very common in a relationship. May be it is immature but it shows the presence of love and care. A person becomes jealous to see you with other person not because he doesn't trust you, may be because he doesn't trust the other person involved. It is very common to behave that way. But being the sensible one in the relationship, we need to win the trust of the person. Once the trust is strong, the relationships built over them will be strong and last a life time.
3.       If you are a friend or a well-wisher of any married couple, please maintain a distance. If you want to meet them, meet them when they are together. If your presence is creating ripples of mistrust between husband and wife, just withdraw yourself from that situation. If you really, care about them, pray for them. Do not be the reason for breaking a marriage.

4.       Relationships are all about trust, love and care. To achieve a successful relationship one has to compromise and understand. And once the bug of suspicion enters your mind, it will grow day in and day out and will not let you live in peace. Believe me, if you trust your partner 100% it is very unlikely that he/she will have the guts to cheat on you. Even if they cheat on you and go with someone else, they will never be able to forget you. When you love someone, love them with all your heart. The relationship may fail, but you will never fail.

5.       At the same time, if you start suspecting, there are two possibilities. Either you are right or wrong. If you are right, you will be hurt very deeply. If you are wrong, you will be hurt and also you will be hurting your partner and putting your perfect relationship in jeopardy.

It takes two people to build a relationship, but one is enough to break.  Take full responsibility in a relationship and don’t ever be the reason for breaking it. 

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