Thursday 1 October 2015

Reward for understanding 'HIS' ways

                                      I was overly pampered when I was a child and also, needless to say I was a notorious kid. My mother was the only one who could set me straight. I always, somehow used to get my way with everything and with everyone. But my Mom would never allow that, unless it is justified. I would simply fight and argue with mom, to give the toys I wanted or prepare the food of my choice. Mom would never agree to those things unless I behaved properly. But sometimes, when Mom was busy and tensed If I keep playing without troubling her, or If I do some small tasks like keeping the room tidy, finishing my lunch or even being quiet without causing any problem, then Mom would treat me by preparing my favourite food or she would let me play with some expensive and fragile toys which were not meant to be played with on a daily basis. All I had to do was keep quiet and I would get my reward. But the next day, I would behave in the same argumentative, spoilt child way. Because kids do not understand these things. Now that we are adults, we think we can comprehend any situation and make it work. But things have not changed. We still have that argumentative, cribbing and crying kid within us.

Today, my day was very hectic, lot of work at office, too many people emitting negative energy all over the place. I was so exhausted. Usually when this happens, I tend to acquire negative energy from them and I behave either in an angry or a condescending way. If not, at least these thoughts keep bothering me for quite some time .And as a result, I tend to become capricious. This is a chain reaction. I say something to someone or behave in a certain way and people react according to that, and I react in turn and this goes on.

Now, If you think about it, all it takes is just silence to set things right. Accept what is happening, accept your shortcomings and do not take any step in anger. Today, many times I was given a chance to become angry, tensed, anxious and judgemental. But something in me told to keep calm. I just let everything pass by. As if to test my patience, God presented these situations multiple times and each time fiercer than before. But I was determined not to lose control. I kept my promise which I made with myself. End of the day, I felt so much at peace. I do not have any guilt bothering me, I do not need to repent the words which I cannot take back and I did not distort my personality.

God is like a mother who wants the kids to behave in a certain way. All you need to do is keep quiet and observe what situations he puts you in, accept it and handle the situation like a mature individual. Once this change begins in you, the world around you begins to change. The people may take some time to notice this, but do not lose hope. Be the best person you can be. Try to become the best person you know. I tried this today and I will keep trying this because now I have understood HIS ways.

And now that I behaved like a good child, I know that my reward is on the way. 


  1. I am sure the reward is already within you and you have to realize its existence. Or if I have to put it in your words, 'Yes, the reward is on it's way'
