Wednesday 5 August 2015

World of Dimensions

Today when I was watching my favourite TV series FRIENDS, one of the main characters in the series, Rachel yells at Monica Geller and her brother Ross Geller when they both try to involve her in their fight. She says, "I refuse to get sucked in to your weird Geller Dimension". That phrase "Geller Dimension" caught my attention. All of us live in our own dimension. We have this world
which we have created  around us.We are comfortable in that. We love to live in that.

But there are people who also live in their own dimension, but suck you in to theirs. Once you are in their dimension, you start seeing things their way, you pursue things like they do. Now, as long as this dimension is comfortable, it's good. But this will start to suffocate you one day. You lose your identity. You have left your space and entered another’s. Now does not matter how hospitable this is, it will feel foreign one day, or they will start making you feel foreign. Now that you are inside this, there is no easy way getting out of it.

There is one more kind of dimension thing which happens to all of us.People who are experiencing extreme bad mood or extreme good mood have the ability to suck you very easily in to their dimension. If they are in a good mood, then it's a treat to be sucked in to that dimension but if they are not, then it's a hell. Automatically, your normal dimension is gone and you are inside an awful dimension and whether you want it or not, you have to go through the repercussions.

The negative dimensions are stronger than the positive ones. So please stay away. Don't even go near them. They will suck you like a vacuum cleaner (although vacuum cleaner is doing a good thing, this sucking isn't). Have your own identity. Live in your dimension, let only those people inside, whom you can trust and do not let other people influence you in to, getting in their dimension. Our space is always our space. It’s our creation, it’s our home. And nowhere else we can feel at home except in our own home..


  1. Very well written article. Reminds me of circle of influence -

    1. Thank you. I loved the 'Circle of influence' concept. Thanks for sharing.
