Friday 23 October 2015

Everlasting Love

I happened to watch this video of an elderly couple, where the husband takes care of his wife who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. She can't remember who he is. And when she asks "Who are you?" He explains tiny and beautiful details about her and her idiosyncrasies. After some time she asks the same question again "Who are you"? But that doesn't stop the husband. He starts all over again.

This reminded me of a story which I read somewhere. A husband goes to the hospital everyday to see his wife who has Alzheimer's disease. She does not recognize him. Yet, he goes everyday to take care of her. One day a person in the hospital asks him "Why do you come here everyday?she does not even know who you are..". To this,the husband replies "But I know who she is...".

What do these stories tell us? We love someone, just because we love them. If we love someone for a reason and that reason is taken away, do we still love them? If we do not, that means our love was based on conditions and selfishness. Loving someone for what they are and not for, what they can do for you, is the most crucial thing in a relationship and most precious too. Because once you know that, it's blissful. You will love a person for eternity, even if the whole world around you changes. Even if that person changes.

Read this somewhere, ‘When you love a flower you don’t pluck it, you water it, nurture it and just watch it being beautiful…’


  1. “If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
    Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
    So if you love a flower, let it be.
    Love is not about possession.
    Love is about appreciation.”

    - Osho
